6 User Experience Design tips for business owners

6 User Experience Design tips for business owners

If you’re not sure where to start when it comes to improving your business’s user experience, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Here are 6 user experience design tips to help you get started.


1. Keep it simple – don’t try to cram too much information into one page

It’s easy to get caught up in the temptation of making a webpage look overly complicated, especially when it feels like there’s so much you want to include. But here’s one thing to keep in mind before sacrificing simplicity: “more” isn’t necessarily better! Stuffing your page with too much information is like cramming for an exam – sure, you might get all the answers right…but if they’re messy and disorganized, chances are no one will understand them. So aim for clarity instead; present your information in the simplest way possible, and watch as it packs an even bigger punch!


2. Use images and videos to break up text and add visual interest

When readers flip open a book or crack open a laptop, they don’t just expect to see pages and pages of text. They’re looking for something more: that special something that comes with including visuals in your writing. Images and videos give more than just an extra spark – they help break up the monotony of just reading blocks of text. Think of it this way: do you prefer scrolling through page after page of dull words, or seeing colorful images and videos interspersed within the text? That’s the kind of visual interest everyone is looking for!


3. Make sure your website is mobile-friendly – more and more people are using their phones to browse the internet

With more and more people browsing the internet on their phones, making sure that your website is mobile-friendly should be a priority for any business owner. It’s no longer enough to just have a desktop version – if you want to stay competitive, you need to make sure your website’s thumb-friendly. A responsive design will allow your customers to have the same experience across multiple devices, meaning they get a great user experience no matter what device they’re using. So if you don’t want to miss out on valuable web traffic, it might be time to give your site a mobile make-over.


4. Use clear and concise language that everyone can understand

It’s always a good idea to make sure that we’re using clear and concise language. After all, there’s nothing worse than having to stop and ask someone to clarify what they said – especially when they could have just used simpler words the first time around! Of course, making sure everyone understands what we mean doesn’t have to be boring; in fact, with a little bit of wit and humor we can turn complex arguments into something that anyone can grasp easily. So let’s strive for simplicity; it’s not only easier for both parties involved, but it’s also more enjoyable too!


5. Pay attention to detail – small things can make a big difference

It’s easy to lose yourself in the small details of life, often without realizing it. But if you pay attention to even the littlest things, you’ll be surprised at just how much difference they can make. That one extra ounce of effort in dusting off your ceiling fan might save you from a face full of dirt the next time you turn it on; those few extra minutes of studying might help ensure success in an upcoming test; and taking a breath before responding to an argument could mean averting saying something you’ll regret later. Thus, paying attention to detail is definitely worth your while!


6. Get feedback from users and take their suggestions seriously

Listening to the feedback and suggestions of your users is key when it comes to making any product or service successful. After all, it’s their experience that matters most — not just yours! And let’s face it, when people invest their time to give you genuine advice, you know they do so because they care about helping make your product better for everyone. So cut out the excuses and start taking into account these kind words from your valued customers; you’ll be sure to reap the rewards in no time.

A website is an incredibly powerful tool to have, but it’s also easy to get overwhelmed by the endless list of to-dos. Whether you’re building a website from scratch or trying to update an existing one, focus on these key tips and you’ll be well on your way. Keep it simple, use visuals, make sure it works on mobile devices, use clear language, and don’t forget the details. Listen to user feedback – they keep you honest! As any good webmaster knows: however bad it looks right now, things can always get better with a few tweaks here and there. So hang in there and don’t give up!